Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Email from 11/04

Hi family!
This has been the most beautiful fall that I have ever seen, the trees are DEEP reds and oranges and yellows. Sister Pastores and I have almost gotten in a couple of car accidents because I can get a little distracted...but the leaves are falling now so I can focus.

I got to give a training in District Meeting on Faith LEADING to Action...our district calls ourselves the "Faith Wizards" I found this magical tree in Garfield and voila we ended up with 6 beautiful wands! We are official faith wizards now and I can tell you that we take these wands everywhere, and use them...sometimes carry them with us (all joking of course) in reality those wands don’t have power, the real power comes from our faith in Christ and using that to act. If its Heavenly Fathers will anything is possible. There is special POWER when we use our faith to act. We are seeing miracles here in Paterson. The branch is growing bigger than I have ever seen (the Branch President too)

We've had some really special experiences this week, I felt strongly that we needed to see a less-active that was in the process of moving when we pulled up we found her in a VERY stressed and desperate state. She's been going through some really hard things and felt like there was no way out. We were able to testify of God’s love for her and share a gospel message, we ended singing I am a Child of God (Sister Pastores has taught me the power of music...even if you have a terrible horrible voice), the spirit was tangible and she said one of the most heartfelt prayers I have ever heard. I was reminded of the importance of following promptings, when we act we see miracles like this every single day. Heavenly Father wants to use all of US to help his children who are struggling; I pray that we are always listening. 
Robert and Maribelle are set for baptism this Sunday. They are counting down the days till they are BAPTIZED and asked if they could sing "I like to look for Rainbows" at the service. It's going to be a very special service for me. Sister Pastores and I are giving the talks and the missionaries in the branch are going to sing. They are some of the sweetest children I have ever met Mosiah 3:19 to the max. (putting off the natural man part of course ;))
Halloween was on walking day, we had to be in by 6:00 but there were a lot of people who were getting us confused with trick-or-treaters. Contacting was really good because the whole town was out trick or treating....good conversation starters :)  I made pancakes in the shape of pumpkins to celebrate.
I love you all! Thank you for the wonderful Halloween surprise! Sister Pastores and I were jumping up and down with excitement! I am so lucky to be here!  Love you!

Sending love from Jersey
Sister Houghton

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