Monday, November 25, 2013

Email from 11/18

Hi beautiful Family!

I've officially been our 7 crazy. Time is flyin' literally scary how fast it goes.....

Remember how I was REALLY forgetful before my mission, losing keys, my phone basically everyday. I was hoping that would change and I would be organized and know where everything is at all times wellll...unfortunately I'm still the same person. I had an interview with President Jeppson last week (he's such an incredible man) we drove ALL the way home when I realized that I had left our phone in his office....woops. Whose responsible? not me. So we drove ALL the way back to get the phone and had a nice little chat with President. 

AND THEN that night we went to see a less-active sister, she was offended and not ready to come back...and is actually studying to become a minister. BUT we are not giving up on her. We had NEVER before been invited into her home (visited her at least 20 times, not joking) miracle! she let us in. We talked to her for a little bit, shared a scripture and then left. that night I couldn't find my planner. Which is nothing new, because I lose it all the time, but I woke up in the middle of the night and just new I had left it at this good sister. We texted her and sure enough, I did. BUT because I left my planner/copy of the Book of Mormon she looked through it, and re-read some of the Book of Mormon again she told us she knows its true which is something she refused to even talk about before!. It was such a tender mercy from Heavenly Father. That day I was grateful for my forgetfulness, the opportunity Heavenly Father provided us with an excuse to go back and see Jeanette again. It was a spiritual experience and when we left Sister Pastores and I just started to cry, we can't describe how we felt but we both KNEW right then that she was coming back. 

Yesterday was an amazing day at church! we had an "ETERNIGATOR" come to church! We have been meeting with her for almost 3 months! MIRACLE! She has been wondering if she should get baptized, we talked to her about revelation that we can receive at church, After sacrament meeting she pulled me aside and told me she had been wondering if she should get baptized, during sacrament meeting she opened the Book of Mormon to Mosiah 18 and read about Alma baptizing at the waters of Mormon. She knew this was an answer from Heavenly Father! Reminded me of Nephi giving his last advice to his family saying "thus saith the father the words of Christ will tell you ALL things what ye should do"The scriptures HAVE power and will tell us the answers we are looking for. I'm grateful for this tool that we have to use to guide us in life.

I have been really humbled by some living situations here, and my heart goes out to what they are going through.  Never before have I felt so blessed to be raised with the gospel in my life. 

Also raked more leaves than I have ever seen at our Branch Presidents house. want a good work out? Rack for like 2 hours, yep still feeling the burn. 
Love this work! Love you and all of your support! Have a wonderful week and good luck sharing the gospel. 

Sending a TON of love from Jersey
Sister Houghton



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