Monday, July 1, 2013

Email from 6-24

Hello my amazing family!  (Sent 6/24/13)

Thank you for the updates on life in Idaho and all of your adventures! 

I just love my companions, we are laughing 24/7 a Brazilian and a red head make for very exciting days :) because we basically have started from scratch we have been going through 25 pages of the ward list trying to bring people back to church. I have been sworn at and told to...well not nice things. One man while yelling at us asked if we were the same Mormons that had been coming after them for 25 years, I told him that I wasn't even 25 so there was no way I could have, I don't think he really liked that. :)

It has been interesting but we are seeing miracles!

We saw a cute girl walking with her dad on the street, we "pretended" to put things away in our car and just happened to walk by the same time they were :) I tried to give them a card but they weren't interested, we went to our appointment and when we were walking out the same girl and father called after us. She said she was really interested in the Mormons because she wrote a paper on us for her school and it was the best grade she got. Sister Dotson and I were singing the hallelujah chorus (in our heads of course), we gave her a book of Mormon and she said she wants to read it and learn more, her dad was a little more hesitant, so meeting with her has been difficult but one day we hope his heart will soften!

Sister Dotson and I are still in training but our trainer is the training leader so she is gone twice a week on exchanges. (confusing I know) Those days Sister Dotson and I say A LOT of prayers, we know Heavenly Father is strengthening us because we are just two new things out here. 

One family let us in their home, they seemed really interested in prophets and the restoration, and then BAMB they started bible bashing and preaching and knocking down the church. I was so confused why they even wanted us to come into their home? There defiantly wasn't a good feeling there and I learned that I need ALWAYS listen to the spirit. He's there to HELP and PROTECT and to GUIDE us! 

We got to give the sharing time in primary. I asked them who was planning on serving a mission, ALL of the boys and almost ALL of the girls raised their hand. I remember when I was in primary, that wasn't the case, the age change is affecting the children of the church. They are more missionary minded and want to help the missionaries out. One little boy got baptized on Sunday and he kept telling his non-member friend to get baptized and become clean. It was so cute! 

We got to watch the specialized training at the chapel. I think I cried on and off through all of the  musical numbers. It's amazing to see how the church is not just moving is SPRINTING forward. Thanks to technology, the age change and our parents for teaching us, missionary work is booming. This is truly HIS work! 

Thank you for all of your prayers, letters and support! I am so grateful for your love and guidance!! 


Sister Heather Sue Houghton

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