Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hello Fam!

This has been one of the most rewarding weeks so far and also one of the hardest. We found out last Tuesday that Sister Dorneles was getting Transferred for a week so we have had a new companion, Sister Tueller! She's from Shelley Idaho, what are the odds right? She is so sweet and we have a lot in common because weeeelll both of our families are living in that little community. ha She also knows the Brownings small world!

We had so many tender mercies this last week, Heavenly Father is looking out for all of his children and he wants everyone to hear the gospel! At church we had more Less-Actives and investigators show up than we had missionaries to cover them! It was an incredible feeling. I couldn't help but do a happy dance everyone time someone new showed up! ITS HARD TO CONTAIN THAT FEELING!! :) Church was crazy, the good kind of crazy. I think I broke reverence rules because I was literally running from room to room trying to figure everything out. We didn't have suits that fit everyone. We might have lost Adriana's 5 year old son and weres late to the baptism because we were running around the halls. I had to run into the chapel because I forgot I was leading the music and the song was starting....AND President and Sister Jeppson were there! :) but EVERYTHING worked out, we adjusted some of the suits, found Adriana's boy and the spirit was there! Heavenly Father Provided a way!
Almost everyday last week we met with Adriana so she would be ready for baptism! She passed her interview with flying colors, and after church Adriana, Emily and Lydia were baptized! The Elders found the last two, (they are amazing) It was incredible to stand by the font and watch Adriana make that covenant with Heavenly Father. I got goosebumps all over and might have shed a tear or two...When she came out of the water she told us how clean she felt and just cried through the last part of the meeting. It was amazing.

Joffre, the man that has been investigating the church for years....and years and years came to church with his family, he stayed for the baptism(s) and after talked to President Jeppson, he told us that he has decided to get BAPTIZED!! so exciting! When we meet with him on Tuesday we are picking a date. Miracles.

Emily (one of the girls that was baptized) brought 3 non member friends to church. I talked to them after and they said they wanted to come to church every week, and we are going to teach them! They are adorable and I can't wait!
We also found out that Sister Dotson is getting transferred. We all woke up at 5 this morning (because we were soo nervous) and read the transfer text....we started bawling. It's so hard to have her leave, we literally are like sisters and have had so many incredible experiences together. Sister Dorneles is going to be training a Visa Waiter going to Brazil and I will be the 3rd member. Hey maybe I'll learn some portuguese while I'm at it :)
Thanks for all the e-mails and the love! I am seriously soo blessed to have this family! Keep up the good work sharing your testimony and serving others! I love you tons!!

Lots of Love from Joisey
Sister Houghton

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