Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hello family!  (This letter was from 6/10/13)

I'm sure life is getting absolutely crazy with all the moving and packing and getting ready to leave good ol' Utah.

I'm getting TRANSFERED

It's rare to be transferred in the middle of your 12 week training, Sister Ward is going to be training 2 new missionaries which is WAY exciting. I am going to miss her. A lot. I love this area and the people here feel like family.  Change is hard (and ya'll know how much I love change ;) ) but I feel comforted because this is what Heavenly Father wants, I'm just trying to pull my big girl pants up and get to work. We find out tomorrow where we are all getting transferred Au Vouir New City.

They had us switch apartments with the Elders (to accommodate more Sisters coming) It took almost all day to gut both apartments and it rained literally cats and dogs the entire time. In a round about way feel like I got to help with all the moving at home. Growing up we always here that girls have cooties weeeeelll I learned that girls definitely DO NOT have cooties but that Elders do. I'm so grateful for cleaning products ;)

We got to have the wonderful Sister Training Leader come out and work with us on Tuesday. We picked her up in West New York New Jersey (it's a mouthful) We probably got in almost 100 accidents, but we made it back safely! Learning from the Training leader is amazing. I felt like I was back at the MTC getting spiritual training 101. Simply amazing!
 We taught Albert (the cute 88 year old man) He was not feeling well and he almost had a seizure while we were there. My heart breaks for him. He doesn't have the energy to come to church in the mornings (his cancer is getting bad) It's tough to see. He calls us "honies" and loves to tell us about his life experiences. I will miss him.
 We are seeing miracles here, Leydi is an investigator that Sister Ward tracked into, she told us that she was praying that morning to know what church to go to and for someone to help her know which one to join. She's committed to baptism but saw a picture of the temple and told us that is where she wants to be married :) she is the type of person you instantly love being around. I'm excited for her!

Grandpa wrote me and gave me some ideas about committing the lord to bring people in our paths. We did that on Saturday and we found the sweetest man (Julio) that loves the lord. He is so prepared! I can't wait to hear how this sweet man progress's.

The more I'm around these people the more I just LOVE them. I decided to not tell people I'm leaving, like pulling a Band-Aid off really fast. I'm hoping that way It will help my water works and keep me focused. When we visited Sister Kreppelt at the Old Folks home she had us sing "God be with you till we meet again" she doesn't know I'm leaving but that song is so special to me and while we were singing I couldn't help but be grateful for the experiences I've had here, the people I've met and the way that Heavenly Father guides us.

I'm grateful for the gospel and the chance I had to serve in this area of New York! I hope that everything goes well with the move, I am thinking about you and praying about you!!

Lots of love!

Sister Heather Sue Houghton

Proof that the mission is making me brave

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