Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Start of a New Adventure

Tomorrow I get to embark on the greatest journey of my life! I've heard things like missionary work is really  hard work....and I've heard it will be the easiest two years of your life. I think that if I work as hard as I can than it will be tough BUT I will feel soo happy out serving. I am hoping and praying that I am ready and I'm putting my trust in the lord. I know that everything is going to be ok. I just remind myself to take deep breaths! :) One thing I've learned lately is that Heavenly Father is here for us. He wants to hear how we are doing and our concerns and all the fun stuff going on! I'm grateful for prayer and for that comfort and peace I feel when I talk with God. So while I'm a little nervous I am ready for this next chapter in my life! Love you all!

Sister Heather Sue Houghton

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