Friday, January 24, 2014

January 20th 2014

Hi Family! 

9 months? That's all I have left? It flies and I have so much more to learn

 I went on an exchange in Jersey City ESPANOL speaking....and that night I dreamt in Spanish except I had absolutely NO idea what anyone was saying, kind of like real life, but it was a really powerful exchange, exchanges bring miracles. The Sisters here are amazing. My luck for phones has not changed, I accidentally took the Jersey City Sisters phone back to Emerson and we had to drive ALL the way back to Jersey City, 4 hours later....we could finally start teaching. oops. Also ate a soup with a chicken neck floating around  in it....and ATE IT ALL. I really think Heavenly Father was helping me with that one. 

 We knocked into a woman with 5 young kids from UTAH!?? What are the odds that you  have 5 kids all under the age of 7 from Utah and a Mormon?   I'm going to say pretty high, so we asked ...and she said not anymore.  When she was 19 she left the church, and has no interest in coming back and told us our doctrine was wrong. I looked at her beautiful rambunctious children and thought about my family the exact same size....It broke my heart. I turned to her and bore my testimony about the gospel and families. I will never forget that moment, I honestly have no Idea what I said but I know that we did everything we could in that moment to testify about our Savior. Sometimes, as missionaries, that is all we can do, everyone has the ability to choose to ACCEPT it or not. I know without a doubt that this gospel is the WAY back. THIS is HIS WORK. He is merciful and like Nephi describes "His arm is LENGTHENED out all the day long" He is there for us always we just need to turn to him. 

 President Jeppson gave a training on the MUST Knows of the gospel, NEED to knows, NICE to knows and NOT IMPORTANT TO KNOW. When we go through hard times or have questions we need to go to our safe place the MUST KNOWS of the gospel. 1. We have a loving Heavenly Father 2. Jesus is the Christ 2. The First Vision happened. Whenever we are struggling or have questions TURN to the MUST knows of the gospel. 

 I love this work! I know it’s true! Thank you for your love and support!! Hope you have a wonderful WEEK!! 


Sending love from Jersey
Sister Houghton

Hi family!


Wow. Thanks for your letters and emails! 


Four  days and  I will hit my HALF WAY MARK! It feels like I've been here for no time at all....and then my whole life time. I honestly don't understand it? BUT  I am so grateful for everyday to be out here. 


We have been protected this week....and  met some really funny people! We found a less-active that told us he has 700 wives, had an amazing meeting in Morristown and got a BIG OL' kissed by one of the cutest little old Filipina's because she loves the gospel. 


When the cold hit a lot of really cool things happened, the car doors froze shut, the trunk wouldn't open after we clicked it (and then 5 hours later it sprang open in the middle of driving. Literally gave me a heart attack.) Tracting the screen doors froze over, just could not see them through the ice. I literally gained a WHOLE new respect for missionaries serving in the freezing cold tundra....its brutal. But we saw so many miracles this week! 


Found out that Christians records are nowhere to be found, which means that he needs to be baptized again, which is actually a HUGE tender mercy. He can be washed clean of all the mistakes he's made and start all over again. We are praying that he will take this news well....He's amazing and so wonderful. I've been wondering why Sister Ward and I were put together again, and I honestly think it's because well one I need to learn more from her and because Heavenly Father is giving us a chance to see success together. 


Love this work and the opportunity to serve alongside such amazing missionaries. This is our Saviors work. He is at the head. 




Sending love from Joisey

Sister Houghton


ANND today's a really special day because its JENNIFERS 16th BIRTHDAY!!!! Jenn you go girrrllll. can't believe your getting so old. :) 


And will you tell Judie that I love her and she looks beautiful. I'm praying for her


love you! 


Monday, January 6, 2014

Email from 1/06/2014

Hello Familia!

Wellllll HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe it's already 2-0-1-4?? Where does the time go? I celebrated the New Year the best way out here....asleep :)  Spiritual exhaustion is REAL.  New Year’s Eve the people living above us were throwing a HUGE party, I was worried I wouldn't be able to sleep with all the commotion going on, but I only woke up once when they were banging pots and pans and yelling at the top of their lungs – must have been the New Year or something :)

Also good news! Sister Ward and I aren’t getting transferred! YAY! We now get to go on exchanges with 8 different sets of sisters instead of 6. I'm grateful to learn from them and their example.

I found out on Wednesday that my MTC companion, Sister Crow was in the hospital VERY sick. We went on a temporary exchange so her companion could shower and I stayed with Sister Crow in the Hospital. I have so much love for Sister Crow, she was my very first companion, seriously so worried about her...but you know how I used to be with sickness's...before the mission the inner germ-a-phoebe me would not have been able to handle the throwing up etc. but missions do great things, none of that even bothered me. I'm hoping and praying that she will be able to get better soon. 

This week's adventures include tracting in mansions, (turns out servants aren’t as nice as they appear on the TV) walking in knee deep snow to appointments, trying to share the gospel in bueno?, a VERY spiritual Mission Leader Conference, choosing to grocery shop at the Korean, Egyptian, Pilipino, Mexican, Dominican, or Italian Grocery store?...the options are endless: Shoveling like pro's, Running home in the freezing cold to make curfew, and lots and lots of finding. We know that there is someone prepared out here; we just need to find him...? her? them! :)

A Philippian sister in the ward that knows sister Pastores's family. They are so sweet

Our mission theme this month is...REPENTANCE D&C 16:6.I've come to understand that repentance isn't just a change from BAD to GOOD. It can be from good, to BETTER. Every single day we need to recommit ourselves to follow our Savior and become more like Him. Let's not procrastinate the day of repentance, that day is today! 

I love you all! Hope you had an incredible week.
Sending lots of love from Joisey,
Sister Houghton 

p.s. Happy birthday Mommita! :)
SO excited that your 50 mom! I ate some lasagna to celebrate your big day :) sounds like the Houghton home was just a party last week. :) So excited that you were able to be with all the family.


What a view!
Thanks for the Christmas Socks :)

Email from 12/30

Happy New Year Family! 

WOW. I'm so grateful that ya'll are ok! From the pictures of the car, it looked like a pretty bad accident; I might have been having a small panic attack reading that email but it was just impressed on my mind that Heavenly Father needs you right now!  We never know what Heavenly Father has planned for us.  A member of the ward in Emerson passed away yesterday morning and it was a rough sacrament meeting for everyone, but made me realize the importance of the plan.  Without it where would we be?? 

It was amazing to see all of you, you all look much bigger and older? I can't believe what 8 months can do. 

I was so blessed this Christmas! There were so many wonderful gifts from you, members of the ward and strangers. I'm grateful for the gift to serve a mission and to be here in Jersey!  I’m mostly grateful for the gift of the Savior and His atonement.  We had a great Christmas lunch at a members home, everyone was speaking a different language and we had no idea what was going on, but it was so fun to try new things....(I ate from a WHOLE roasted Pig). 

It’s been a rough week. We have been dropped and rejected and dropped....Our baptism fell through, and some other unfortunate things happen, Sister Ward and I have been doing a lot of praying and a few tears....some hugs too, but I heard moms words come to my head "It's always Darkest before it's Dawn" and even though we are starting from the ground up again, I'm grateful for the opportunity to turn more to my Savior and rely on Him to help us find those who are prepared. "Be faithful in Christ.... and may Christ lift thee up....and the hope of his glory and of ETERNAL life, rest in your mind forever" I am grateful for that never ending gift. What better time to start new than at the beginning of the year. Let's make 2014 the best year we can, turn to the Savior and become more like Him!  

Share with the world!

Again so thankful that everyone is ok, I love you all and so blessed by all of your love and support! Be safe and Always remember Him! 

Sending love from Jersey
Sister Houghton

Email from 12/23

Merry Merry Christmas!!

Can you believe that in 2 days it's CHRISTMAS??? It’s the most WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! and I get to be out here! I'm so grateful! Sister Ward and I have almost opened up our presents every time we pass the tree.....patience is obviously a virtue we are still trying to obtain. Sending your Christmas package has been a little bit of a challenge, I'm hoping I can send it today...If not HAPPY NEW YEAR :)

The mission has been a-buzz with Christmas festivities. We had an ALL mission conference on Friday (there's almost 300 of us now) Alex Boye spoke to us about setting EXPECTATIONS to succeed, because with Heavenly Fathers help we can do anything. It was a powerful meeting and he even sang and did some fun dance moves. Then he put on an English fireside last night singing Nativity themed songs for members and investigators all over jersey.

Alex Boye

TOM!!!! the investigator/ex-convict we taught in Caldwell! He was baptized after I left, came to the fireside yesterday and is now a home teacher!! he is so happy! 

Heavenly Father is blessing this area; Al's baptism is scheduled for this Sunday! Al picked this day out because it's his birthday, it’s going to be a very special day for him. We have a new Investigator Donald....who I'll tell you more about later :)  He is set for January :)  I had two exchanges this week, one in Bayonne a Spanish area and let me tell you I was dreaming in Spanish, could not understand a thing, but gift of tongues is real. IT is apparent to me how Heavenly Father has prepared them well for this calling. They were both amazing exchanges, I am so grateful for all that I'm learning from them. (I also got to go running on the edge of the Hudson River....overlooking the water and lights, most memorable run of the mission)
We contacted a man named Christian who said he had been praying for help. After we left he looked at the card, went to and REALIZED that he was a member of the church and had been baptized in the Dominican Republic! He told us he wants to come back to church and have the spirit in his life. I'm grateful for the spirits promptings!

Love this gospel! Love this work! Remember that "He is the light and the life of the world. Yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened" Let's carry the spirit of Christ with us through the rest of the year. Let’s spread the good news!

I love you all! Remember to be nice :) Remember to say your prayers! Remember to think of our Savior!

Sending lots of hugs kisses and love from New Jersey
Sister Houghton

P.S. I don't think anyone will be able to replace my shepherd skills in the family nativity... or was I the sheep?
P.P.S remember to go youngest to oldest going up the stairs
P.P.P.S Leave Santa Cheese (it works)
P.P.P.P.S give mom and dad a back rub for all the work they do

love ya!
Heather's Zone
It’s the the the the........THE GRINCH :)

ooooooh...... ahhhhhh....THATS IT. I'm NOT going! :)